by John Monteleone Feb. 1, 2017
her name was mary
she walked the earth alone
on dusty roads by the quarries
in the age of hard cut stone
the story’s been told
a glowing angel she had seen
placed a halo over her sweet purity
she was a virgin of fourteen
maybe mary gave birth to a savior
or maybe she just needed one
in bethlehem so many years ago
or yesterday in a slum
her name was mary
she walked the earth alone
on the filthy streets of a lonely city
a drug addict and a whore
the world around her was always lying
painting smiles on such agonies
no one could ever see anything
no one ever felt that free
maybe mary gave birth to a savior
or maybe she just needed one
in bethlehem so many years ago
or yesterday in a slum
everyone feels the terrors
seek salvation in its purest touch
found in myths throughout the ages
or in someone’s filthy crotch
one night joe picked up mary
in his beat up ol’ ford truck
on a street outside of nowhere
and he choked the life right out of her
maybe mary gave birth to a savior
or maybe she just needed one
in bethlehem so many years ago
or yesterday in a slum

Morbi non quam ut arcu ullamcorper commodo eu vel purus. Nunc ac eros augue. Aenean id malesuada massa. Sed ullamcorper enim vel ante commodo mattis. Ut convallis posuere justo, vel dictum elit lacinia ultricies. Phasellus pulvinar lectus eu condimentum accumsan. Sed laoreet et nisi et ullamcorper. Vivamus vehicula vel neque eu posuere. Sed feugiat urna sit amet sapien sagittis tristique. Vivamus id elementum justo. Sed eleifend bibendum cursus. Phasellus lacus erat, pulvinar sed eros nec, posuere pulvinar tellus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur mattis bibendum ante vitae fringilla. Suspendisse potenti.
Cras mollis bibendum quam, sed facilisis turpis iaculis at. Duis nec finibus justo. Sed vitae ligula eleifend, varius tellus et, eleifend augue. Fusce suscipit a est sed ultricies. Nullam sed mauris lobortis magna placerat posuere. Vestibulum varius vel sapien quis porta. Nullam non rutrum sapien, sed mollis erat. Phasellus efficitur nulla vitae arcu accumsan hendrerit. Nulla dictum gravida nisl ut varius. Donec fermentum orci nec felis dapibus, id fermentum erat sollicitudin.