3 Characters
2 Men
1 Woman
Woman can be a man or woman, but the Femme Fatale is actually a man, dressed as a woman. A great acting role for a very talented chameleon-capable actor.
Simple set
87 pages

Noir Comic-Tragic Existential Satire.
Based on a Twisted version of the Myth of Osiris.

When the heads out of whack, so is the body!

HEAD explores the dangerous masks we hold dearly; the delusions we create to find safety and identity, to survive in a madhouse of murderers, criminals, and ordinary people who lie through their teeth within our imbalanced cultural landscape.

Two 1940’s-type cops, in trench coats and Dick-Tracy hats, investigate a gruesome street murder, where the body has been chopped into 13 pieces, and planted throughout the city. They are found, except one part is missing – his head. They try to figure out where the head could be, but there are no clues. Enter a Femme Fatale, SEXFARCE, who seems to be a witness to the murder, but she diverts from their questions sucking them into her mysterious relationship to the victim, who has been ID’d by his prints as a Billionaire Famous Politician and Psychopath that has ruined countless lives for self-gain.

The characters explore the battleground between existential truth versus manufactured deceptions, order and disorder, the struggle for balance in an imbalanced culture, one at war with itself and dismembered then divided. The two cops realize that when the heads out of whack, so is the body. As their desperation to find the head grows, we realize they are searching for unity – completion, wholeness, and most of all a deeper understanding of their own often confusing sense of humanity in the quest for inner peace while living in a world filled with danger.

They find the head, hidden under a seat in the audience; it is a grotesque clown-like terrifying mess representing the mindset of our world, via the manifestations of our personal delusions, the state of the human condition, the corruption of the mind, and thus the heart – chaotic, terrified, grotesque, frightened, and spiritually bankrupt.

The division within the culture, within the self, within the world, needs to be whole and the hope is that once the crime is solved, we will find wholeness, harmony and peace.

But it’s not that simple.

How the victim was killed, who killed him, is both eye-opening, surprising, with mind-spinning revelations and spectacle that is both hilarious, frightening, revealing the struggles within the self and its relationship to the lager world, to ethical law, moral law, and the understanding we need to live TOGETHER, that our connections cannot be decapitated from the heart and soul of one another through greed, ignorance, and stupidity!

The revelations are terrifying, with a twist of hope somewhere in the mix of madness we call our world.


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3 Characters
2 Men
1 Woman
Woman can be a man or woman, but the Femme Fatale is actually a man, dressed as a woman. A great acting role for a very talented chameleon-capable actor.
Simple set
87 pages

Noir Comic-Tragic Existential Satire.
Based on a Twisted version of the Myth of Osiris.

When the heads out of whack, so is the body!

HEAD explores the dangerous masks we hold dearly; the delusions we create to find safety and identity, to survive in a madhouse of murderers, criminals, and ordinary people who lie through their teeth within our imbalanced cultural landscape.

Two 1940’s-type cops, in trench coats and Dick-Tracy hats, investigate a gruesome street murder, where the body has been chopped into 13 pieces, and planted throughout the city. They are found, except one part is missing – his head. They try to figure out where the head could be, but there are no clues. Enter a Femme Fatale, SEXFARCE, who seems to be a witness to the murder, but she diverts from their questions sucking them into her mysterious relationship to the victim, who has been ID’d by his prints as a Billionaire Famous Politician and Psychopath that has ruined countless lives for self-gain.

The characters explore the battleground between existential truth versus manufactured deceptions, order and disorder, the struggle for balance in an imbalanced culture, one at war with itself and dismembered then divided. The two cops realize that when the heads out of whack, so is the body. As their desperation to find the head grows, we realize they are searching for unity – completion, wholeness, and most of all a deeper understanding of their own often confusing sense of humanity in the quest for inner peace while living in a world filled with danger.

They find the head, hidden under a seat in the audience; it is a grotesque clown-like terrifying mess representing the mindset of our world, via the manifestations of our personal delusions, the state of the human condition, the corruption of the mind, and thus the heart – chaotic, terrified, grotesque, frightened, and spiritually bankrupt.

The division within the culture, within the self, within the world, needs to be whole and the hope is that once the crime is solved, we will find wholeness, harmony and peace.

But it’s not that simple.

How the victim was killed, who killed him, is both eye-opening, surprising, with mind-spinning revelations and spectacle that is both hilarious, frightening, revealing the struggles within the self and its relationship to the lager world, to ethical law, moral law, and the understanding we need to live TOGETHER, that our connections cannot be decapitated from the heart and soul of one another through greed, ignorance, and stupidity!

The revelations are terrifying, with a twist of hope somewhere in the mix of madness we call our world.


Legal Notice: These works are copyrighted multiple times, including several versions of each script, most dating back to the 1980's and 1990's as well as every one of them in 2020.  Downloading any of my work registers important digital identification information.  Scripts can be read, but if you want to use parts of them, or entire scripts for any reason, you will need a contract signed by me agreeing to it. Thanks for taking an interest.

To Obtain Rights to use my scripts please contact me and we will take it from there.  Thank you.

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